Representations received during statutory consultation.

In support:

1.   As a resident of Stockton Lane I am writing to express my support for the planned restrictions on Stockton Lane.

The exit of Seymour Grove and indeed my own driveway onto Stockton Lane is essentially blind due to the excess amount of parked vehicles not only close to junctions but also on the road as a whole.

Stockton Lane is a very busy main route into York itself and as such should not be treated as a residential street with freely available parking. Many vehicles travel in excess of the posted 30mph limit and as such makes the lack of visibility even more dangerous. It also prevents free visibility of more vulnerable road users such as cyclists, not to mention the traffic problems it causes at peak times.

I fully support the proposed restrictions and hope in future they can go further.


2.   As a resident of where Stockton Lane I am writing to express my support for the planned restrictions on Stockton Lane.

Exiting Seymour Grove and indeed my own driveway onto Stockton Lane is dangerous due to the lack of visibility caused by the excess amount of parked vehicles not only close to the junctions but also at this end of Stockton Lane as a whole.

Stockton Lane is a very busy main route into York itself and as such should not be treated as a residential street with freely available parking. Many vehicles travel in excess of the posted 30mph limit and as such makes the lack of visibility even more dangerous. It also prevents visibility of more vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians, including overspill from the local school, not to mention the traffic problems it causes at peak commuting times when the road is subject to heavy volumes of traffic from both York centre and Malton Road. In these times, the parking situation also disrupts the local public transport service, where buses are unable to get down Stockton Lane because of the traffic queued to the roundabout where Stockton Lane meets Malton Road, and this in turn causes traffic to back up behind the bus and block the roundabout; bringing the junction at the end of Stockton Lane to a complete standstill.

I fully support the proposed restrictions and hope in future the Council will consider further restrictions on this road to fully address the serious issues this is causing before any serious incidents occur.


In objection:

1.   I wish to object VERY strongly to plans to stop parking at all time outside our house (**address omitted).

We have 2 cars for which we have extended our drive. However like most people we have visitors including our 2 children. Where do you suggest they park ? My husband is unwell and may need carers in the future. Where will they park? This is going to cause a massive inconvenience for us and affect our lives significantly.

Please do the kind and sensible thing and provide permits for our visitors as in other areas of the city.

Please, please , please, please please do not stop all parking outside our home. Where will anyone who wants to visit us park? Where will my lovely daughter park when she calls round? It is a significant walk from our home to part of the street where parking is permitted and there are unlikely to be spaces there. PLEASE allow residents parking permits or this will genuinely ruin my life